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Dragon Pharma Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone



Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone or Turinabol - steroid with high anabolic effect and minimal androgenic effect. With this drug, one may in short time to increase muscle mass, increase endurance, add strength to the body. With this steroid such an effect can be obtained in a couple of weeks. The result will be noticeable and will continue even after the completion of the cycle.

This anabolic steroid was developed in the 60s in Germany, while it was used as doping. Now you can order Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone under different trade names: Turanabol, Turanaxyl, etc. This steroid is used by bodybuilders, athletes, cyclists, as well as those who are involved in martial arts.

Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone Effects

The effect of the reception:

  • growth of dry and rigid muscles;
  • raising the general tone of the organism;
  • destruction of subcutaneous fat;
  • increase power performance;
  • withdrawal of excess liquid from the muscles.

How to Use Turinabol: Dosage, Cycle, PCT

Let's see - How to take Turinabol? Before taking this anabolic steroid, make sure to read the instructions for use, you can also consult with a sports doctor. Make sure that the drug will not have a bad influence on the body. Although the side effects of the substance are minimized, yet it should not be taken by people who have a weak liver. With even minimal accidental overdose of anabolic, it will hit hard on health. It is therefore important to respect the recommended dosage rate from manufacturer.

With Turinabol drug, one may gain 7 kg of muscle mass with little or no water retention in the body. Beginners are advised to maintain the dose from 30 mg to 40 mg; experienced bodybuilders can take 100-150 mg (10-15 tablets) because smaller dose may not have any effect. The active ingredient works in the body for 16 hours, that's why the drug should be taken daily. The cycle lasts four to five weeks.

There is a cycle of steroid solo, but you can use combinations with other substances to enhance its effect. Combination options:

  • Turinabol + Boldenone (great for beginners, Boldenone should be at a dose of 400 mg per week);
  • Turinabol + Nandrolone Decanoate (also for novice athletes, Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) should be at 200 mg per week);
  • Turinabol + Trenbolone Enanthate / Turinabol + Acetate (for more experienced bodybuilders, as a result - fat burning and lean muscle mass).

After completing the cycle, you can use Clomid for a more rapid recovery of the body.




Turanabol, the active ingredient is Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, which is very similar in structure to Methandrostenolone. Turanabol has a very weak androgen activity, which is only 50% […]

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